Some Ideas For Stock Change Around


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
OK, so I currently have 7 tropical tanks set up and 1 in storage.

I have:

+ 65 litre planted community - 6 neon tetras, 3 corys, ghost shrimp, 5 female bettas
+ 65 litre planted community - yellow panchax, kribensis pair, 2 bumblebee catfish, 2 male neon swordtails, blue phantom plec (L128), cockatoo apisto
+ 60 litre divided tank - female kribensis and kribensis pair
+ 54 litre divided betta tank - 2 male bettas
+ 30 litre divided betta tank - 2 male bettas
+ 28 litre betta tank - male betta, 2 african dwarf frogs, juvi aplochelius dayi
+ 14 litre QT/temp betta tank - male betta
+ 110 litre - in storage

There is a chance I can get another 3 foot tank, if the guy selling it answers his phone and hasn't sold it yet.

So, if I get a two-tier, 3 foot tank stand I could do:

+ 3 foot - yellow panchax, cockatoo apisto (male?), 2 bumblebee cats, blue phantom, 2 swordtails, female kribensis (if I can't rehome her)
+ 110 litre - divided for two breeding pairs of kribensis
+ 65 litre - go marine or betta sorority
+ 65 litre - community*
+ 60 litre - krib fry grow-out
+ 3/4 betta tanks (54L, 30L,28L, 14L)

* 65 litre community - either 7 neon tetras, 5 female bettas, 4-6 corys and shrimp OR 12-15 neon tetras, 6 corys and shrimp

Any suggestions for some extras for the 3 foot community? Could be anywhere from 20 gallons to 40, depending on dimensions. I'd quite like some shoaling fish but the panchax can easily nom anything under 1.5 inches.
What about black skirt tetras, dwarf rainbowfish like the neon, serpae tetras or harlequin rasboras? The latter have the reputation to be the best shoaling fish around.

I like the idea of dwarf neon rainbows or harlequin rasboras :good: hopefully I'll be able to find some adults as I know my panchax will eat them when small :crazy:
I think a mixture of Gold and CHerry BArbs would be brilliant in that aquarium
Jeez, where do you put all those tanks :lol:

Don't get me started :lol:

Three in the living room (including the newt tank), one on the landing, 4 in my bedroom. When I get the three footers sorted I should have a racking system with two three foot tanks and space for a few smaller ones in the dining room as well.

My living room is a joke. I have a vivarium which has a 2 foot newt tank on top and on top of the newt tank is my gerbilarium.

It's a mess.

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