Some help Please

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Fish Addict
Jan 23, 2005
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My boy Spike just started being all jerky, and kinda twitching all over the place. I don't know exactly how to explain it. he wasn't really swimming, just kinda staying in one place and jerking around a lot..... Anyone know what the problem could be. Oh I am also headed to the store to find some things to make new tank decorationg. The topic on caves has inspired me for some DIY projects!! I'll let you all know how it turns out.
Sounds like velvet or maybe some other kind of parasite. Take a flashlight to the betta.

Maybe also internal parasites. Up the temp and add some salt, won't do harm.
He's not scratching against anything, just kinda jerking/twitching. He's not doing it anymore, he just did it for like 2 minutes, but I've never seen him do it before, so that's why I'm concerned.
freckles jerks around when he is mad :)P he only gets mad when im gone for the weekend or when i dont feed him bloodworms or when i wake him up :p )
That sounds Like my Betta boy! Except, he can calm down when hes blowing bubles...,.
I'd say velvet too.
Charlie had it - he'd swim along fine, then for a few minutes he looked like he was being electrocuted, then he'd go back to swimming fine.

Do the flashlight test.
I have a question about this too, one of my male bettas have been doing this since I got him. but that's been probably a month or more. How long do they normally live with Velvet?
I always thought that it may be because he sees his reflection in the side of the tank. cause when he does it, his face is pushed up close to the glass like he sees something in it and he's trying to get to it.
DB_Diana_Jack_8 said:
I have a question about this too, one of my male bettas have been doing this since I got him. but that's been probably a month or more. How long do they normally live with Velvet?
I always thought that it may be because he sees his reflection in the side of the tank. cause when he does it, his face is pushed up close to the glass like he sees something in it and he's trying to get to it.
Well, sometimes that could be the case too. The trick is looking at him with the lights off with a flashlight. If you see any gold dust on him, it's probably velvet. My boy was with that for a few days, maybe a week, till he completely stopped eating. I had no idea what was wrong with him until I looked at him with a flashlight. I've had him on meds for 4 days now and he's still not eating but he seems to be getting better. I honestly do not think they can live long with it because they will stop eating eventually.
sorry, i was on vacation but thought i should reply. as far as i can see he's just fine. he eats like a little pig. so i'm guessing it's not velvet. I'm pretty sure he just sees his reflection.
i have a crazy betta but she doesnt twitch id recomend the flashlight test still
I checked mine with the flashlight and can't find anything. He's stopped twitching(he only did it for like 5 minutes before) and he's eating fine. Thanks for all the advice, I'll keep checking on him.

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