Some fish ideas, please...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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I have a 55 g tank, already in it, I have 2 pleco's (petsmart wouldn't let me return the 2nd one when I returned the albino bala) and 2 blue Paradise Gourmei's (both unfortunatly I just noticed are male)

My tank isn't finished cycling yet, but it's doing ok, I was wondering, when my tank finally does cycle, what other fish would you recommend to go with these...I'd rather ask here than run into problems with petsmart again...

Thanks :)
Ask yourself what kind of fish you like, look at profiles, read up about them etc..

I set up my first tank 90 litres, and was like a kid in a sweet shop lol...

I have just set up my second tank, a 180 litre juwel vision, and im doing alot of research as to what i can have, and what will look nice and get along etc...

I like community fish, peaceful.....

Angels, Gouramis, Platies, Mollies, Guppies, Loaches clowns are my fav, but once my tank is cycled, i am getting some yoyo loaches :D

In my big tank, im going to have my 2 angels, some loaches, a couple of diff species, i have a dwarf blue male gourami, im thinking of moving him into my big tank aswell, and getting him 2 females, but i havnt decided yet :/ er...........still looking lol....

Good luck,

Claire xx
with the gouramis you want to stay away from slow fish with long wavy fins.......possibilities:
tiger barbs
1 shark
more gouramis(3 spot, dwarf, honey etc)
upsidedown cats
glo lite
black neon
......cant think of more right now. ill get more later
actualy your better of keeping guaramis with slow moving long finned fish the you are some tiger barbs with a guarami

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