Some Danio Questions


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2010
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so I currently have 3 blue danios, I had 4 but a couple of weeks ago I lost one :'( anyways I would like a small schol of them in a school formation, so here are some quesioin I have. Do how many more would I need before yjei would even get into a school foation?(how many minimun) how long wouldyjeu syay In a shoal? And I don't really seeblua danios otfen but will the blue danios mix with other danios like zebras?

Any help is greatly thanked!!!!!!
Well I don't know exactly how many, but I have 5 and they don't school- just play with each other, so you'll probably need about 7 or something. And I'm pretty sure you'll be able to mix the different types of danios.
Shoaling fish shoal as a defense mechanism. If there is no threat in the tank shoaling fish tend to break their shoal. However having more fish in a group will bring the tendancy to shoal up shoals of 12 upwards look best. Different variations of a species will occansionally shoal together but its one of those things that you cant make happen, just wait and see.
i have 9 zebra danios and they school fairly often. More-so than when i had 6, thats for sure.

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