Some Coral Advice please


New Member
Jun 4, 2004
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First - what a great site, I'll be visiting constantly.

Now onto my question, I have a 3 foot tank and have just bought everything I need to keep some fresh water fish, although I'm not a complete novice, I'm still unsure as to the perfect fish environment. The tank has all the standard equipment needed, pump, filter, lighting etc.

Now the guy who had the tank before me kept marine fish and gave me some of the most fantastic looking coral pcs.

I asked at the local dealer if I could put the coral in the freshwater tank. I know this is not the marine enviroment the coral would be best suited, but it makes an interesting feature, providing it does the tank and fish no harm...

The advice I was given was...

"Put the coral in a bucket of fresh water and keep changing the water over a couple of weeks period to flush the salt out, after a few weeks the coral will be safe to put in the tank as a feature"

Is this advice ok?

Thanks in advance for your time in answering my question.

The salt may come out of the coral but the coral will constantly increase your water hardness (KH) and as a result the PH so not a good idea in a freshwater tank. HTH :)
would be fine in a african rift lake tank are you keeping these cichlids?
but will probally die
i wish there was such thing as freshwater coral...........wouldnt it be wiked :fun:
your right, sorry - I should have been more clear on this :crazy:

I have some coral that is dead - years old in fact,
Thought it would look nice, if nothing else.

I've followed your advice, taken the lot out - dropped the water, bought some newbie pcs, i.e. Bridge, castle, plastic plants etc :D :D

It's for my 5 year old - so he thnks it's cool...

I't unfortunate about the coral - the fact that someone bought from abroad this does disgust me - I'd rather see it in it's natural habitat (unless home grown) but I would have respected it in death in my tank - maybe my way of honouring it's past life! Crazy eh! :crazy:

Guys - thanks anyway.

I'm just waiting for the tank to settle down, reading up on cycling etc and trying to do the right thing...

Thanks for your inputs - who knows maybe I'll get upto your knowledge standards one day... lol



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