Some Cherries In My Hospital Tank


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
I put 3 red cherry shrimp in my 15gal quarantine tank about six weeks ago. Now there are a bunch of little guys in there too :rolleyes: . I also recently added 6 rummy nosed tetras and a few days ago saw one of them had a single white spot on its side that looked like ick. I added some salt, the spot disappeared and one of the cherries died for some reason. Now I want to treat the fish with a ick med, but I really want to avoid killing the adult female cherry and all the fry :sad: . What are the chances of a shrimp getting ick? And is there anyway to save these guys?

I put 3 red cherry shrimp in my 15gal quarantine tank about six weeks ago. Now there are a bunch of little guys in there too :rolleyes: . I also recently added 6 rummy nosed tetras and a few days ago saw one of them had a single white spot on its side that looked like ick. I added some salt, the spot disappeared and one of the cherries died for some reason. Now I want to treat the fish with a ick med, but I really want to avoid killing the adult female cherry and all the fry :sad: . What are the chances of a shrimp getting ick? And is there anyway to save these guys?


Shrimp wont get ick but the medication probably contains copper that kills them.

Sera sells meds that are shrimp safe.. they are more expensive then other meds, but wont kill your shrimp.

I believe the company is Sera or Serra.. maybe Cera even I cant remember!!!

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