some Betta Qs


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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ive just finished cycling my 18 inch tank and wanted to know if it ould be alright if i put my 2 females and 1 male in.the tank has lots of hiding spots and and when i put the bags next to eachother when i got them the male didnt flare or anything and i had the males bag in my 2 foot for a while and he never flared at my guppys or anything!

so do u think it would be alright if i put em in there?
i vote for no too. You really shouldn't put together a male and two females together under any circumstances (unless you got like a huge tank), becuase everytime the male runs inot the female he'll most likely charge at her, causing htem to be stressed a lot of the times.

You could probably keep the two feamles in there, but leave the male out on a tank by himself.
ive seen it done in a 15 gallon tank with no agression shown at all on either side, so i say go for it if your confident he's a calm but i'd keep a close eye on them until your 100% for sure
Absolutely not! If you read through previous posts, you will find this question many times. An odd time a male and female have lived together peacefully but it's very rare and even in those circumstances, eventually things turned bad and one was injured or killed. So please don't do it, even if things seemed fine to start with, eventually you will regret it. Is it really worth is?

if you're gonna put anything in the tank, put in 3 female bettas. one female betta will become the dominant one, and it's easier if there are two others to share the lower position, rather than just one.

as for mixing the male and females... :no: i'd be too nervous to do it.
I agree..don't put the male in with the two females. I did this a long time ago (before I knew anything about bettas or this forum) and the male killed both females and ended up dying himself from injuries.
no but you could keep the 2 females in there and have a male in a seperate container. try to have the male in a tank bigger than 1g
well i put the male in their cuz he seemed depresed in the 1 gal and the 2 females had already made little spots in the 2 foot so i just left em their

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