Some Behavior Questions For A Couple Of Brackish Species.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2010
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So far so good with the tank, but the way a couple of fish are behaving has me wondering if I could be doing better. The larger of my two knight gobies has taken to pacing the front left corner of the tank, up and down and up and down. He'll occasionally do more natural things: hide, perch on high objects, stir up the mollies a bit (nothing violent, just kind of muscles into their area and stares them down). The smaller knight seems to keep to himself and hide, nothing alarming. A quick google search suggests that he's just bored. If so, what can I do to bring some excitement to his life?

My flatfish (either Trinectes maculatus or Achirus lineatus), has a tendency to spend more time on the glass near the surface than he does hiding in the substrate. He tends to do most of his feeding there since I've only seen him feed when I do it manually with tweezers and frozen bloodworms or mysis (but apparently no mosquito larvae, he spits those back out). I'd prefer to have him act more naturally, but I've rarely seen anything to suggest that he has fed himself. I figure it's either him begging (in that case he's worse than the mollies) or mabye he doesn't have sufficient oxygen at the bottom? He usually doesn't stick any of himself above the surface, although I have seen him breach it before. Perhaps it's time to get an airstone? Or mabye it's just time to wean the guy onto sinking wafers?

Thanks for any ideas, suggestions, musings, etc.


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