Some Advice Please On Lighting And Co2


Fish Crazy
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
As my budget wont stretch to full on CO2 systems, and I have no inclination to DIY it initially (trust me, I WILL screw it up), I wouldlike some advice from you experienced plant guys.

I've just put a thread in the member aquairums section here: details of my tank are in the first post, and another one further down (post 13).

While I've been keeping liveplants since the tank was born, I am still very much a newbie in this part the hobby.

I think to date, I've been very lucky with my plants as I have not had many go into meltdown and die (actually, I think there's only been 2 pongol plants that have died off, and my milfoil wont grow leaves on the bottom half - it is fairly protected from the light there though).

Now - CO2 questions:
1. Is there any point in starting with a single Nutrafin kit, even though technically my tank will require at least 3 of them?
2. Do my plants need CO2 injectoin considiering I would like a brighter tank?
3. Last time the LFS tsted my water, CO2 was about 4.0ppm - that was 6+ months ago now though, and my plants are much bigger. What is the ideal level? Is it something I should be monitoring.

And for lighting question
1. I have 85W of lighting - 2x30W @ 10000K and 1x25W @ 15000K (bluish globe) - is this adequeate? What's the best kelvin rating mix I should go for? the lights are 12+ months old, so should probably be replaced - I'd like to take the opportunity to go better. I'd like something brighter, but would like it to benefit the plants as well.
2. Keeping in mind my plants and question 1, what kelvin rating/mix is best for a nice bright white coloured light?

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

There are 2 pinned articles at the top of this section of the forum which will answer all your questions and probably more besides, there is a pinned article on CO2 (carbob dioxide) and lighting for a planted tank.
Thanks zig - I should've known better - I've been around here long enough to remember to look at the pinned articles, they didn't even enter my mind.

Will go have a read.
Yeah its a bit of a stock answer but the articles are quite good, very current and should help you along the way but if your not sure just ask away.

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