So I’m currently running a 125 litre juwelrio . I’ve since bought a new AquaOak 340 litre aquarium and I’ve had it running now for 7 days adding small amounts of food and some filter boost as that’s what I’d been advised. I checked the water parameters yesterday and all was ok the nitrate was reading about 40 on the API test strips.. I’m reasonably new to the hobby but I know a small amount , I went to Maidenhead aquatics today and was advised to buy ‘salt & fresh microbe-lift NITE OUT II starter bacteria’ he told me that after adding this after 24 hours as long as the test are coming back good and there’s no ammonia in there I should add a fish or 2 or add my 6 neon tetra as I told him I had these ,, while adding the bacteria I mentioned before for about 3 days keeping an eye on them for around a week and adding one or 2 every few days after that they will be ok.. please can someone tell me if this is a good idea as when I’ve looked online etc there’s so much conflicting information it’s hard to choose the right method.. thanks