Cover the base of a breeding tank with pebbles or marbles so the adults can't eat the eggs as they lay them. Add heaps and heaps of fine leaved plants, like elodea, cabomba or Java moss, as that will provide a source of microscopic food for the fry.
Add the females to the tank, feed lots of live or frozen food for a week or two until they look nice and plump with eggs (don't over feed them!) then, last thing at night add your males.
They should spwan the next morning; if you can put your spawning tank somewhere it gets lots of sunlight, the first morning light htting the tank should stimulate them to spawn. Don't worry if the water goes green, that just provides more food for the fry.
Then put the parents back in the main tank, and keep your fingers crossed! Once you've seen some fry (they'll 'hang' on the sides of the tank, like glass splinters, for three or four days until they've used up their egg sac), add a sponge filter that you've cycled by running it in you main tank for a month or so.
Then it's just a case of feeding well and doing lots of water changes to make sure they grow properly
P.S there's no need to SHOUT