Sodium Metabisulphite.


F 1

Has anyone ever used this for sterilization?

I got some 5 gallon buckets from a collegue that makes wine. I wanted the large buckets to make water changes in the 37 gal easier. He also brought me in some Sodium Metabisulphate to sterilize the buckets.

Does anyone know if this is safe ?

I use it to sterilise wine and beer making equipment. I wouldn't use it for fish gear.
So if I shouldn't use sodium metabisulfate, any suggestions how to properly clean these buckets. I believe some kind of wine making base liquid was in them. Do you think hot water would be enough?

Wine is made from naturtal fruit juices sometimes with added sugars and water. I'd rather trust that then Sodium Metabisulphite. I'd scrub them out and see if they still smell of anything.
You could use bleach and after you are done cleaning, rinse and soak with a dechlorinator.
Thanks for you help. One needs never make mistakes anymore with all this help :D .


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