Just curious, whether or not I'm going to need a CO2 setup anytime soon, my first attempt at a really planted tank.
It's just a small 10 gal tank with 3 Albino Corys, 3 African Dwarf Frogs, four Ghost Shrimp, two Sunset Wag Plattys and a Black Molly (which I'm going to throw in the street if she doesn't stop chasing the Plattys around). They hide and play in five tall grass plants I have in one corner, two Java Ferns, and some quick spreading short grass I have migrating through my sand.
I've notices that recently the plants have started doing the "turn transparent and start losing pieces" thing that I can only suspect is do to "dying." I have two 10watt flourecent bulbs running, as well as having the tank positioned near a window that gives in a nice dose of sun during the day, so I don't think light a problem. The water looks great and has good readings, and I put in plant food regularly, so I don't think those are a problem ether. So could it be a lack of CO2?
Looking for any help here.
It's just a small 10 gal tank with 3 Albino Corys, 3 African Dwarf Frogs, four Ghost Shrimp, two Sunset Wag Plattys and a Black Molly (which I'm going to throw in the street if she doesn't stop chasing the Plattys around). They hide and play in five tall grass plants I have in one corner, two Java Ferns, and some quick spreading short grass I have migrating through my sand.
I've notices that recently the plants have started doing the "turn transparent and start losing pieces" thing that I can only suspect is do to "dying." I have two 10watt flourecent bulbs running, as well as having the tank positioned near a window that gives in a nice dose of sun during the day, so I don't think light a problem. The water looks great and has good readings, and I put in plant food regularly, so I don't think those are a problem ether. So could it be a lack of CO2?
Looking for any help here.