So, with a tank like this do I need CO2?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2002
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Just curious, whether or not I'm going to need a CO2 setup anytime soon, my first attempt at a really planted tank.

It's just a small 10 gal tank with 3 Albino Corys, 3 African Dwarf Frogs, four Ghost Shrimp, two Sunset Wag Plattys and a Black Molly (which I'm going to throw in the street if she doesn't stop chasing the Plattys around). They hide and play in five tall grass plants I have in one corner, two Java Ferns, and some quick spreading short grass I have migrating through my sand.

I've notices that recently the plants have started doing the "turn transparent and start losing pieces" thing that I can only suspect is do to "dying." I have two 10watt flourecent bulbs running, as well as having the tank positioned near a window that gives in a nice dose of sun during the day, so I don't think light a problem. The water looks great and has good readings, and I put in plant food regularly, so I don't think those are a problem ether. So could it be a lack of CO2?

Looking for any help here.
your light is ok but not great,

what bulbs do you have, standard tubes or have you upgraded. Also do you have reflectors??

as to the hagen co2 kit in the post above this. GET IT i bought 2 for my 40G 2 weeks ago, see my pic below, major improvement.

let me know about your tubes and i'll see if i can help more.. B)


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I just got one of those Hagen systems the other day. They also sell them at Petsmart and :) I haven't hooked mine up yet though -- the tank is still totally empty. Waiting for some eco-complete to come in the mail :)

Not sure about the grass-like plant, but light shouldn't be an issue for the java fern. I keep java fern in my betta tanks, and they don't have lights, nor do they get sunlight (just regular incandescent light frome the ceiling fan). In my experiendce, javas are tuff to kill.

I'm not sure what's going on for you. :dunno: Wish I could help. :(
jimbooo said:
your light is ok but not great,

what bulbs do you have, standard tubes or have you upgraded. Also do you have reflectors??

as to the hagen co2 kit in the post above this. GET IT i bought 2 for my 40G 2 weeks ago, see my pic below, major improvement.

let me know about your tubes and i'll see if i can help more.. B)
I'm probably getting a CO2 injector this weekend, as as far as lighting . . . I'm afraid I'm just not very informed :(

I have a stock 10gal hood which fits two screw in bulbs, so I put in two generic ten watt flourecent bulbs. There aren't any reflectors as far as I know, and I leave the lights on for about 8 hours a day.

Any and all advice is very, very welcome. Help make me turn this into the fishy environement I've been trying for :/
If are want 2 add reflectors to your tank, theres a really simple DIY method that i you on my deep 10G (UK) tank.

Simply tape kitchen foil to the underside of the hood above the lights.

However ensure that the is no water touching the foil (I have a condesation tray on mine) as this could cause problems with your water.....

As for the CO2 it has made a MASSIVE difference to my plants!!! and mine is a simple DIY set up that you can find the specs for in the hardware section of the board.

mix 1/2 pound of sugar, 1 heeped tea spoon of yeast, and 1/2 tea spoon of bi-carb (the bi-carb is to get this started and the CO2 will be much more reliable)
All this into a 2 liter pop bottle, sealed air line into the top, a release valve in the ari line to stop the CO2 when your lights are out, and then into your tank.
You will need 2 replace or "top-up" the mixture every 2weeks with 5 table spoons of sugar.

However if you run CO2 through a air-stone, i would recomend that you get one of the wooden ones (normaly used on marine tanks but fine for freshwater too) as they give a much much finer bubble stream.

Also, are you feeding your plants? with either liquid feed or did you use plant tabs when you planted the tank?
I use some liquid plant food whos name escapes me at the moment. Does the fact that I'm using Tahitian Moon Sand substrate have any negative impact?
sand should be fine.

as to the lights your LFS should sell upgraded tubes to replace the standard ones. "Arcadia Original tropical" is a good bet or Triton / Triplus.

once youve done that and got the co2 running you should be fine.


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I dont think that you need to add any extra lighting into your tank. 20 Watts if fine.

I hav 16 im my 10 gal and that does the job.

Do your lights give out a warm redy/orange glow or a clean crisp white glow?

the warm redy/orange glow are your photogenic bulbs (or so ive been told)
These are what incourages your plants to grow... however, where plants can grow so can algae so you need a blance between the photogenic bulbs and the "power glow" brighter bulbs.

but its not to do with how many watts you pile in your tank, you need 2 look at the spectrum of the bulbs your want to use. Theres loads of topics on this in the planted section as to get the right set up.

lets us know how your tank come on when you get it all set up!
Dave_31 said:
I dont think that you need to add any extra lighting into your tank. 20 Watts if fine.

I hav 16 im my 10 gal and that does the job.

Do your lights give out a warm redy/orange glow or a clean crisp white glow?

the warm redy/orange glow are your photogenic bulbs (or so ive been told)
These are what incourages your plants to grow... however, where plants can grow so can algae so you need a blance between the photogenic bulbs and the "power glow" brighter bulbs.

but its not to do with how many watts you pile in your tank, you need 2 look at the spectrum of the bulbs your want to use. Theres loads of topics on this in the planted section as to get the right set up.

lets us know how your tank come on when you get it all set up!
It's funny you mention that, I have one blue/white 10watt flourescent bulb and another 11watt energy saving orange light which is built like a flourescent but doesn't seem to be.

Should I make them both the orange lights?
I had one of each the same as you've said (only they were 8 Watts) and ive switched to 2 "White" bulbs.

mine are the "power glow" bulbs, the growth of the plants has inproved slightly, but the biggest imporvement is the colour of the plants, the extra light has brought out the red in more of my plants, mainly my lilly, crypts and ludwigia.
All have become much more colourfull due to the extra light.

Another reason that i switched was due to the look of the tank. i prefer a clean look to the lighting, rather than the warmer look with the oranger bulbs (mine was a glow lux).

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