So who knew Cory’s were gardeners…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
So, when I was setting up, this last 45 gallon tank, I robbed a few bunches of Java fern, from a couple holding tanks both had a heavy growth of algae on them, and were placed into a “tangle” in the new tank.. I weight the rhizome, and put them in a pile… the leaves get babies, and send out roots, hence the name “tangle” … lots of food ends up in the tangles… one of the mature Cory’s, and one of the Geo’s have been working the tangle, and now most of the leaves are gunk and algae free, bright green, and healthy looking… I expect my sand to look clean and nice, but polishing up the plants was unexpected

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