So What Do You Think A Jb Really Is?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
I have always just thought of JB's as short body/balloon pink convicts and that they dont have any BP in them at all.But I just saw this little guy the other day on another forum.He came from a normal batch of cons and they owner took pity on him cos he was stumpy and grew him on.

What do you think?

I've always understood that Jelly Bean Parrots are a cross of the Pink Convict to a Blood Parrot - however that is only from word of mouth.
It's hard to get proof.

T .....I can't see your pic unfortunately. I'd like to take a look if you could fix it :) Jelly Beans are one of my favourite fish.
I think there are probably stubby bodied convicts sold as jellybeans, and convict X bps sold as jellybeans.

i agree with this as i feel they are both. you can find the con x BP and the stubby bodied cons out there. i feel stubby cons should be sold as just that and not true JBs though. i feel a t"true" JB is a BP x con.

T .....I can't see your pic unfortunately. I'd like to take a look if you could fix it :) Jelly Beans are one of my favourite fish.

i can't see the pic either. i would also liek to see it :D.
Here is the fish, if anyone could show me the difference between a stubby convict and a con x BP I would love to see it.Having bred a JB to convict and knowing people who have bred a con to a BP and in all cases producing no fry that look like the typical JB(not to mention neither being fertile) I really dont see where they are coming from.

WOW :hyper:
A Zebra Jelly Bean/Short Bodied Convict.
I want that soo badly!! :drool:
I can only find the Pink ones around here...

I dunno, T...

The local fish stores around here often accept fish from the public, and often people have brought in fish that were BP X Convict...and none of the fish were short bodied.

But with all the info you find online about Jelly Beans being BP X Convict.... :look:

I'm leaning more towards them NOT being hybrids.
can someone get a picture of a Stubby convict. and a proper JB. and compare them.
For the record this is what a striped con and BP offspring look like, the striped ones are the most common and the one that faded to orange is the only one our of the whole batch that did.

Mother (left) with son (right).The son tried to breed with his mother but he was not fertile.

Female from the same brood(she had the most blue markings the others were similar only just striped).I will try to contact the guy who bred them and get older pics where there were mosre fry(these 2 he kept as they were the best looking).

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