So Sad

Nick Bramley

Fish Crazy
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
one of my peppered Cories got trapped under a rock in my tank and by the time i spotted him it was too late, im really upset as i thought he was brilliant and so playful.

ive seen a few threads warning that Cories do no suit gravel substrate tanks, is this true? i want to get a few more Cories but i wont if they will be unhappy with the gravel, its not sharp and each piece is roughly the size of a pea, is this ok?

when i get my 90l im having sand, if it would make Cories happier
From my experience i would say that sand is a must for corys as a gravel substrate will wear down their barbels overtime and may cause infections as they love to dig and find food in the substrate, however as your gravel is smooth it may be ok, but someone with more experience than myself will be able to help you out with this.
We've got fairly small gravel but have bought sand for our next cory tank as ours tend to be quite vigorous when searching for food and I always worry they'll hurt their little barbels.

Sorry for your loss. I always get very sad when we lose a cory as they have such sweet personalities.
We've had our cories for just over a year now, and they've always either been on large gravel (to begin with) or what they're on now - 2-3mm pea gravel. None have worn barbels.

I think saying sand is a must is a tad OTT. As long as they're coping ok, and the gravel isn't sharp, they should be fine ;)

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