Fish Fanatic
Well I recently posted about a sudden illness with my two wonderful bettas. Well Dakek died by morning and Nove was just hardly hanging on. Both had completely lost there color all over and since Nova was an opaque celephane with purple "feckles" those had faded to a "poopy" brown and he was labored in breathing.
So I bagged up the fishes and took them to the lfs that I bought the bloodworms at, and they tried to tell me it was my water and they wanted to test it, so I said fine cause I knew my water was fine, I use bottled water and 1/2 tsp of salt and Slime Coat and water dechlorinator. The stupid people, not only did they test the water with the fish in it, then promply told me "Oh your ammonia is High" Duh stupid you tested with the fish in it, then they said oh your bettas look fine and healthy. Thats when I went nuts.
I said how can the look fine when one is dead and the other is dying they said it had nothing to do with the worms and it was he was old, like i said he has never been sick and I have had him 3 months, so he wasnt that old.
Then, can you believe this they said and I quote " Oh its completely normal for bettas to change color mine do it all the time"
I said are your bettas dead too??!!!!!
Then she argued with me and I said how can you work here and give people advise when you dont know what the hell your talking about. Obviously these bettas are sick and your just a stupid, underpaid, lazy, know nothing idiot that think you know all.
And I marched out. And carried my dead/dying fish to petsmart where the aquatics guy said the same crap about its normal for bettas to change color. I told him its not and left the dead/ dying bettas with him, and said Id call and check up on them cause he said if Nova got well he take him I said ok. I called 3hrs later and Nova had died too.
So am I just and idiot and getting upset over nothing or what
Thanks for letting me vent, I really hate it when people talk out there butts and dont know sh*t!!!!!!!
So now in one month I have lost 3 bettas. Im about to just give up.
I just cant help but feel its my fault and that I just souldnt have fish anymore. I try and try and I think Im doing the best I can and NOTHING ever seem to work out. Dont mind me Im just sad cause I miss my babies.
* Sorry I have a child too, I didnt mean to let my anger get the better of me!
Sometimes it takes someone else to make you realize you can make mistakes when blinded by anger. Thanks again.
So I bagged up the fishes and took them to the lfs that I bought the bloodworms at, and they tried to tell me it was my water and they wanted to test it, so I said fine cause I knew my water was fine, I use bottled water and 1/2 tsp of salt and Slime Coat and water dechlorinator. The stupid people, not only did they test the water with the fish in it, then promply told me "Oh your ammonia is High" Duh stupid you tested with the fish in it, then they said oh your bettas look fine and healthy. Thats when I went nuts.
I said how can the look fine when one is dead and the other is dying they said it had nothing to do with the worms and it was he was old, like i said he has never been sick and I have had him 3 months, so he wasnt that old.
Then, can you believe this they said and I quote " Oh its completely normal for bettas to change color mine do it all the time"
I said are your bettas dead too??!!!!!
Then she argued with me and I said how can you work here and give people advise when you dont know what the hell your talking about. Obviously these bettas are sick and your just a stupid, underpaid, lazy, know nothing idiot that think you know all.
And I marched out. And carried my dead/dying fish to petsmart where the aquatics guy said the same crap about its normal for bettas to change color. I told him its not and left the dead/ dying bettas with him, and said Id call and check up on them cause he said if Nova got well he take him I said ok. I called 3hrs later and Nova had died too.
So am I just and idiot and getting upset over nothing or what
Thanks for letting me vent, I really hate it when people talk out there butts and dont know sh*t!!!!!!!
So now in one month I have lost 3 bettas. Im about to just give up.
I just cant help but feel its my fault and that I just souldnt have fish anymore. I try and try and I think Im doing the best I can and NOTHING ever seem to work out. Dont mind me Im just sad cause I miss my babies.
* Sorry I have a child too, I didnt mean to let my anger get the better of me!
Sometimes it takes someone else to make you realize you can make mistakes when blinded by anger. Thanks again.