So Much Bad Luck!


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
now my little Boo is looking a bit funny.
i was away for the weekend (never going away again!!!) and i came home to find him moping on the gravel breathing quite heavily. he CAN swim, i saw him go to the surface for air a few times, but then it's straight back to the gravel and no interest in food. i did him a water change last night when i got in (at about 10pm), with IAL and a few drops of melafix. but he's still the same today (i thought he might not be with me this morning), just shuffling around on the gravel.


any other suggestions??
You don't think he's sulking do you? :/

Sorry to hear he's poorly, just clean water and maybe lower the level to make it easier. Not sure what is going on there hun :(
if his breathing was normal i'd think he was sulking
but i think he looks a little pale (despite being pale coloured anyway!) and breathing just seems heavier than normal.

i'll lower the level of the water tonight.
it doesn't sound good. i left my bf there this morning and he just dropped my keys off and said he's still sitting there, slightly rolling onto his side, which is NEVER a good sign. he doesn't look bloated, just a little pale, that's it.

Maybe add a little sea salt? How long have you had him? Not to scare you or anything, but it could be his time.
i've had him about 7 months
he would probably have been about a year old when i got him, he has extraordinarily long fins (when he hasn't bitten them to pieces) and a very tiny body compared to my other bettas.

i've tried everything, i'll see if he's still with me tonight when i get home from work, and see what else i can do.
i hope nothing is to serious with boo coz he looks really looked after and cared for even though i dont have no betta's i think he is still cool well which tropical fish arnt
Is he eating still? Any temp fluctuations? Without any visual signs it's hard to know. I had a betta go funny on me for weeks once and snap out of it all the sudden. I hope yours does the same.

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