I am just re-starting a 29 US gallon freshwater community aquarium. Up and running and will begin fishless cycling tomorrow(Saturday). Please excuse my "question spike" but I want to do the best I can to get this right. Let's start.
1)It is too late now, but would it have been ok to use sand instead of gravel in the bottom of my tank? I went to the petshop with the intent to buy marine sand after my last experience with the coating flaking off my gravel and ruining my filter, killing my fish and generally causing chaos, but the "fish expert" advised that sand would require periodic changes as you could not "suck the poop off the bottom" as she so elegantly put it. I found some uncoated gravel, but would have liked the sand set-up.
2)I am filtering with an Emperor 400 filter. Has place for 4 cartridges. They recommend running one of their filter cartridges in each side and filling each basket with charcoal. What would you recommend I use in the refillable baskets? I have considered just running 4 of their cartridges also thought about using the refillables as sort of pre-filters with just some filter floss in each one. Any recommendations?
3)Ideas for inhabitants for my new world? Here are my thoughts for what I would like. I know I am going to be fighting myself to keep from overstocking. I went to a website for an aquarium magazine(don't remember which one now), but they had a calculator to put in your tank dimensions and they calculated maximum inches of fish for that tank. They came back with 53" for my tank. Seems high. I have plenty of filtration so I may be able to cheat a little though. Would like to keep small fish, generally 4" mature size maximum. Here are my preferences and thoughts:
Zebra Danios - thought a school of 10.
White Clouds? - possibly? another schooling fish. 6-10
Platies- would like a couple females and a male. I love babies!
Swordtails- possibly? maybe a couple. maybe just more platies instead
Bottom dwellers-
Red-tailed shark - 1 nice one that plays well with others. haha
Panda Cory - thought 1 but read groups are better. Groups of how many?
Clown Loach - think may be too big though. also read groups are better. again groups of how many?
Also looked at smaller rainbows like neon rainbows.
Any thoughts? Any better recommendations for interesting fish along with stocking recommendations? Haven't set down and figured how many inches of fish I am looking at with these thoughts. Just thoughts right now. Anybody know of a good website to look at all the common freshwater fish and to get info like mature size, temperament, etc?
Sorry about the long post. Hope I don't scare everybody off. Thanks in advance for any help or thoughts. I will take any advice or thoughts even if it is just, "Dude, you are nuts!" Thank you.
1)It is too late now, but would it have been ok to use sand instead of gravel in the bottom of my tank? I went to the petshop with the intent to buy marine sand after my last experience with the coating flaking off my gravel and ruining my filter, killing my fish and generally causing chaos, but the "fish expert" advised that sand would require periodic changes as you could not "suck the poop off the bottom" as she so elegantly put it. I found some uncoated gravel, but would have liked the sand set-up.
2)I am filtering with an Emperor 400 filter. Has place for 4 cartridges. They recommend running one of their filter cartridges in each side and filling each basket with charcoal. What would you recommend I use in the refillable baskets? I have considered just running 4 of their cartridges also thought about using the refillables as sort of pre-filters with just some filter floss in each one. Any recommendations?
3)Ideas for inhabitants for my new world? Here are my thoughts for what I would like. I know I am going to be fighting myself to keep from overstocking. I went to a website for an aquarium magazine(don't remember which one now), but they had a calculator to put in your tank dimensions and they calculated maximum inches of fish for that tank. They came back with 53" for my tank. Seems high. I have plenty of filtration so I may be able to cheat a little though. Would like to keep small fish, generally 4" mature size maximum. Here are my preferences and thoughts:
Zebra Danios - thought a school of 10.
White Clouds? - possibly? another schooling fish. 6-10
Platies- would like a couple females and a male. I love babies!
Swordtails- possibly? maybe a couple. maybe just more platies instead
Bottom dwellers-
Red-tailed shark - 1 nice one that plays well with others. haha
Panda Cory - thought 1 but read groups are better. Groups of how many?
Clown Loach - think may be too big though. also read groups are better. again groups of how many?
Also looked at smaller rainbows like neon rainbows.
Any thoughts? Any better recommendations for interesting fish along with stocking recommendations? Haven't set down and figured how many inches of fish I am looking at with these thoughts. Just thoughts right now. Anybody know of a good website to look at all the common freshwater fish and to get info like mature size, temperament, etc?
Sorry about the long post. Hope I don't scare everybody off. Thanks in advance for any help or thoughts. I will take any advice or thoughts even if it is just, "Dude, you are nuts!" Thank you.