So is this all I need now?


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Aug 9, 2004
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Do I just need a water testing kit? And if the water levels are bad, do I need to buy something to fix the levels or should I do it with water changes?

And I mentioned in the previous thread I have a tiger barb, bala shark, catfish, and an algae eater. One of the tiger barbs I had to put it to sleep because it got too hurt from the other barb. So my question is do I need to get the barb more barbs to go with it soon. Or should I wait til I fix the water problem?

My tank is 55 gals.
Ammonia & Nitrite, i think are probably the main two too get at the moment... Maybe a nitrate test kit too.

Ph, i dont think is really nessesary because ph in tap water is usually stable, and doesnt change (i dont think)

The best way to get high levels down are water changes so i have been told and i am doing them often.

Ive probably got this totally wrong, but maybe i have been learning? :p
corrosive is right, you need tests for ammonia and for nitrite. These are the two levels that are most dangerous to your fish.

What you are looking for when you test: basically ANY ammonia or nitrite is bad. If you want more opinions you can post your test results here and ask people for advice.

There are chemicals that supposedly remove ammonia fro the water. However these give false test readings, eg they result in the tests showing ammonia that isn't really there. Also I don't know what effect they have on the cycling process.

To give your fish the best chance, do water changes to keep both the levels I mentioned under 1ppm (or 1 mg/L, both units are the same).
So once I get ammonia and nitrate to 0 I could start adding more fish. And do I need to wait for the beneficial bacteria to be in the filter since I had to buy a new filter since the old one wasnt strong enough.
Yes once, nitrite and ammonia are down, check for nitrate in the water, and if there is some, i believe that means the nitrogen cycle is complete, so you can add some fish.
You don't by any chance still have the old filter? Cos you could've transferred the media from the old to the new, then you wouldn't've had to wait for the bacteria to develop.

Check the nitrates in your tank and compare to the nitrates in your tapwater. if the nitrates in your tank are higher, you're cycled.
And last question. can I have 6 tiger barb 2 pictus and 2 bala sharks and an algae in my tank?

After looking at pictures of other tanks mines might not be 55 but the person I bought from said it was. -_- :X :/

Heres a picutre of one similar in shape but mine is like 3-5 inches taller any know what size that might be?


or if that dont work

I measured the tank is 2 feet tall and 63 inches all the way around.
what is the longest distance across teh bottom of the tank? Like from one side to the opposite side?
Not really then. Bala sharks get to 12" - the tank is not even twice the shark's length so it will have no room at all to swim. I don't know about the pictus. Which algae eater are you referring to?
I have a bala shark and I think a Plecostomus(algae eater) and I just look up on them they grow too big too. Ill take them to a pet shop that accepts fish if they are healthy. Next time around Ill check their full size before i get

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