So I'm Starting To Itch For A Betta


Rocking a crabshell for a hat.
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Houston, TX - USA
I'm eying a spot in the office for a tank. I think I can do a 6 gallon. So can I have a male betta, a frog (not the clawed one), and 3-5 pygmy cories together in a 6 gallon comfortably??

By the way, it's all the talk and pictures on this forum that's got me wanting a betta so much.
3 pygmy cories, a African dwarf frog, and a betta would be fine I think, as long as the tank is standard shape and not taller than it is long; the cories need room to swim, after all :). Anything more than 3 cories would be too much I think.
Your so lucky being able to fish at work, I am only allowed plants so far I don't think I can push my luck with fish though :-(
Wendy, Betta Habari is the local Houston chapter of the IBC, if you email someone I bet they can set you up with a lovely young betta- unless you plan on picking up a veiltail from somewhere local.
^^^ Thanks; I'll check it out. It's not for work; it's for the little office room at home. I need to find a job though.

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