So I Thought My Little 10 Gal. Would Be $150-200


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2008
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Hey everyone,

I figured I would start a journal for my first planted tank...

I began this feat after I lived with a roommate who had a very nice saltwater tank. After I moved back home from college I decided to pursue a tank especially because my room had no plants or life in it. I decided that I could spend about 150-200 USD on a small tank, so after much time looking for tanks online, I went out to my local PetCo and got a 10 gallon tank, Marineland filter a heater and some Seachem Flourite. At this point I had no idea about lights or CO2 and was basically flying blind. I figured I could buy some plants and fish and everything would be good to go. LUCKILY I did not do this. I stumbled across this website and started to read the forums and learn a thing or two. After a day of being on the forums I now had a full H2O test kit, dechlorinator, and some fertalizer, and began to cycle my tank. I had an 18 watt light that I was going to uses and ultimately decided to build a DIY yeast reactor for the plants. I realized that the 18 watt hood I was going to be using would not really be enough light for my plants. Alright then easy solution in my mind. I went out and found a really nice 40 watt light with moonlights and figured that now my plants wold have plenty of light. PROBLEM! after some advice from people on the forums I learned that having that kind of light without pressurized CO2 would result in a major algae problem. Now I was in full CO2 research mode, learning about what the hell a solenoid is and how CO2 effects pH, etc, etc, etc... I reached into my wallet and decided to go balls out and get a pressurized system (5lb CO2 tank, a rex grigg regulator, and a glass diffuser) ...This is about where I am right now. I actually have plants in the tank at the moment, and am using the old 18 watt light (so that I don't suck all the CO2 out of the water) until my CO2 stuff comes in the mail. (hopefully if rex is making regulators today I will get them by the end of this week or early next week). Below I decided to list how much I have spent on my little 10 gal. setup just for ####s and giggles....

So I thought my little 10 gal. would be $150-200...

Tank - $12.00
Filter - $35.00
Heater - $38.00
40W Light - $75.00
Substrate - $30.00
Test Kit - $40.00
Water Conditioner - $10.00
Circulation Pump - $40.00
Initial Plant Setup (details to come) - $115.00
Subsequent Plants $30.00
CO2 Accessories $40.00
CO2 Tank - $60.00
Rex Regulator - $141.00

More to come and pictures soon (my tank is gonna be so awesome)


p.s. Thinking 6 H. Rasboras
4 Small Tetras (type TBD)
1 Honey Gouramis
X Cherry Red Shrimp
Any pictures yet? :) Did you receive all your equipment?
Wouldn't that be too many fish for a 10 gallon? Assuming you wanted all...
I know this is quite old, but have you managed to set it up yet ? :p

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