So I did a thing...

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2021
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Southern Maryland
Me again! I did a thing today and bought a 20g tank to replace my 10g tank since none of the fish I wanted could go in a 10g. I know there's a lot of hate towards glofish, but I am going to put a mix of tetras and danios in the tank. I'm so excited as I've wanted glofish ever since we first bought the 10g tank!!!!
Woohoo!:yahoo: I think Glofish are lovely! I tried to talk my sisters into a glofish tank, but our mom said no more tanks? Can't wait to see how it turns out, and what color Glofish you choose!?
I hope you enjoy the tank! I have Glo Tetra in my 25gal tank in the bedroom.
Frankly I have mixed feelings about genetically modifying anything simply for commercial reasons. I'm remembering a tale of wheat that was modified so it would grow in a region that could not grow normal wheat, It perhaps prevented famine and maybe saved thousands of lives. But then there are GMO food crops to tolerate excessive amounts of herbicide so a chemical company can sell more product and own the seed market...and a team of lawyers to ensure that once you buy their seed, you always buy their seed. And if a farmer tries to save his seed, they will sue for patent infringement and he'll likely lose his farm. The food system is on the edge of a perfect storm and becomes more fragile every day...and that's not to mention the heavy dependence farming has on oil and the fact that the average age of farmers is 65!
[end rant]
As for fish in the hobby, I'm all for selective breeding to produce strong, healthy fish. And I suppose there's no real harm in pet glofish. However, I do worry a little that our playing around in the gene pool may just come back to bite us in the backside. :(
Congrats on the upgrade....I've never personally liked the glofish, but if YOU do, then enjoy them, nothing wrong with that at all...
Frankly I have mixed feelings about genetically modifying anything simply for commercial reasons. I'm remembering a tale of wheat that was modified so it would grow in a region that could not grow normal wheat, It perhaps prevented famine and maybe saved thousands of lives. But then there are GMO food crops to tolerate excessive amounts of herbicide so a chemical company can sell more product and own the seed market...and a team of lawyers to ensure that once you buy their seed, you always buy their seed. And if a farmer tries to save his seed, they will sue for patent infringement and he'll likely lose his farm. The food system is on the edge of a perfect storm and becomes more fragile every day...and that's not to mention the heavy dependence farming has

Congrats on the upgrade....I've never personally liked the glofish, but if YOU do, then enjoy them, nothing wrong with that at all...
I love them! They're cheery little pops of color in my tank, and at the end of the day I want to enjoy looking at my fish :)
Glofish aren't to my taste, but it's not my tank either! I'd have something to say about it if someone wanted to buy injected or painted fish, since that involves cruelty to the fish, but as these have been bred with the glowing gene from the original fish, there's no reason you shouldn't have them when you like them! And it's your tank, create it to your tastes!

The only thing I will say is to urge you to keep them in the numbers they require to feel safe and happy. So if you've got white skirts, whatever colours they are, keep 6-8 of them, same with the danios. :)
Glofish aren't to my taste, but it's not my tank either! I'd have something to say about it if someone wanted to buy injected or painted fish, since that involves cruelty to the fish, but as these have been bred with the glowing gene from the original fish, there's no reason you shouldn't have them when you like them! And it's your tank, create it to your tastes!

The only thing I will say is to urge you to keep them in the numbers they require to feel safe and happy. So if you've got white skirts, whatever colours they are, keep 6-8 of them, same with the danios. :)
That's certainly the plan!
Frankly I have mixed feelings about genetically modifying anything simply for commercial reasons. I'm remembering a tale of wheat that was modified so it would grow in a region that could not grow normal wheat, It perhaps prevented famine and maybe saved thousands of lives. But then there are GMO food crops to tolerate excessive amounts of herbicide so a chemical company can sell more product and own the seed market...and a team of lawyers to ensure that once you buy their seed, you always buy their seed. And if a farmer tries to save his seed, they will sue for patent infringement and he'll likely lose his farm. The food system is on the edge of a perfect storm and becomes more fragile every day...and that's not to mention the heavy dependence farming has on oil and the fact that the average age of farmers is 65!
[end rant]
As for fish in the hobby, I'm all for selective breeding to produce strong, healthy fish. And I suppose there's no real harm in pet glofish. However, I do worry a little that our playing around in the gene pool may just come back to bite us in the backside. :(
Well they started off modified for biological studies, then someone went Oh pretty, what kind of $$$ can I make off these.

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