So How Would You Stock A 4Ft 270 Litre Tank?


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
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How would you stock a 4ft Tanganyikan community tank? It's a 270 litre tank. Can be as rocky or as bare as you want it to be.

LFS has this in stock:

Altolamprologus calvus
Altolamprologus compressiceps "Gold Head"
Cyphotilapia frontosa "Kigoma 7 Stripe"
Cyphotilapia frontosa "Mpimbwe Blue"
Cyprichromis leptosoma "Mpulungu Blue Flash"
Eretmodus cyanostictus (Spotted Goby cichlid)
Julidochromis dickfeldi
Julidochromis marlieri
Julidochromis regani "Kipili"
Lamprologus calliurus "Magara"
Lamprologus caudopunctatus
Lamprologus meeli
Lamprologus multifasciatus
Lamprologus ocellatus "Gold"
Lamprologus signatus
Lamprologus stappersi (L. meleagris)
Neolamprologus boulengeri
Neolamprologus brichardi (now synonomised with N. pulcher)
Neolamprologus cylindricus
Neolamprologus leleupi
Neolamprologus pulcher / brichardi "Daffodil"
Neolamprologus sexfasciatus "Gold"
Neolamprologus tretocephalus
Oreochromis tanganicae
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis "Blue Neon"
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis Albino
Spathodus erythrodon (Goby cichlid)
Telmatochromis burgeoni
Tropheus duboisi
Tropheus moorii "Orange II"
Tropheus sp. "Ikola" (aka Kaiser moorii)

Quite keen to finally own some Altolamprologus Compressiceps, probably the Gold Heads. So, how many and what else?

Open to all suggestions. :D

Thankyou please.
I have had Brichardi before and they were a really responsive and fun to watch species. If you get a species only tank, then several generations will live together. They are fairly violent though if housed with other species.
I have had Brichardi before and they were a really responsive and fun to watch species. If you get a species only tank, then several generations will live together. They are fairly violent though if housed with other species.

Yeah i have had the fairies before... mine were pussycats mate. Also had Telmatachromis Burgeoni

Whereis your lfs? Epic stock list!

Wharf Aquatics in Pinxton. :D
Ooo got a week in the peak district at easter, think ill be calling in there on the way home!
Out of that list the one that stood out to me is the Julidochromis dickfeldi. Check them out on youtube you'll see they have a really nice unique swimming almost like their hovering. Another one that is not on the list is a African Congo Tinanti Cichlid. They out of all the fish including some of the marine fish Ive kept have the most hilarious characters. They look like a real cartoon character. XD

The reason why I highly recommend it as when we bought ours it was already in a community setup in the lfs and we kept it in a mixed community setup. It used to get on with every fish and swam around with the 2 flying fox. Once we put him in the cichlid setup he was breaking up cichlid fights, amazingly. It is the perfect fish for me.
Out of that list the one that stood out to me is the Julidochromis dickfeldi. Check them out on youtube you'll see they have a really nice unique swimming almost like their hovering. Another one that is not on the list is a African Congo Tinanti Cichlid. They out of all the fish including some of the marine fish Ive kept have the most hilarious characters. They look like a real cartoon character. XD

The reason why I highly recommend it as when we bought ours it was already in a community setup in the lfs and we kept it in a mixed community setup. It used to get on with every fish and swam around with the 2 flying fox. Once we put him in the cichlid setup he was breaking up cichlid fights, amazingly. It is the perfect fish for me.

Thanks for that matey, will look into the Julie. Will also look out for the Tinanti aswell. Maybe one of my other LFS will have them in. :)
As in Steatocranus tinanti? They are African riverine, not Tanganyikan. ;) Not sure how they would fare in a rift tank, my breeding Steatocranus casuarius killed tankmates the two times they have had broods (including ~35 now in their own tank), "Snowflake311"s specimen dominates a tank of big CA cichlids that are many times his size.

Julidochromis dickfeldi are quite unique in that just like us humans, parents will let teenagers babysit the current neweset generation of fry. This trait is very rare in the whole animal kingdom.

A cracking list to choose from... What takes your fancy? Tempted to try Paracyprichromis (I suspect the Cyprichromis might be borderline for your tank, see what Sean/"Kiriyama" thinks)?
What a list! :)

I read that Julidochromis species do better in pairs? Brichardi are the ones that look after young as far as i am aware?

Calvus are nice, i have a couple myself as i wasn't too fussed about the yellow type ones.

Anyone know about the Neolamprologus Sexfasciatus? Are they aggressive?

Hope you don't mind me asking questions in this thread minnt.
12 Cyprichromis leptosoma (mpulungu)
lamprologus caudopunctatus
spathodus erythrodon (different diet) , have kept them in community tank, just make spirulina flake (high quality ) the main diet and add frozen cyclops once/twice a week...
Avoid the meeli (big and nasty) , you could probably have dickfeldi in there, like the gobies best adding a small group and removing the excess when they pair up. Guessing the goldhead comp. would be ok, they take forever to grow,they will help with "population control" with fry........ let us know how you get on.... :good:

Cheers, Sean

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