So hard deciding


Jun 18, 2004
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Well, I'll make this as short as I can. :p

I bought a 30 gallon a while back for my GSP as his final tank, however he died. My immediate plan was to get some figure 8's, and make a really stunning 30 gallon in my room. However, I have other ideas that are making me go :S , so I'll ask you guys for your advice. My other plan was to go for a breeding setup, where I have a nice stand, with the 30 on the top (growout), and the bettas on the lower shelf of the stand in the ten, and use my 6 gallon eclipse as a breeding tank. Get back to me, I'm going bonkers on this one.
GP, I think that's a great idea. You have spent the time to get quality bettas, and I know you will take the time to educate yourself fully about it and do it properly. It is so neat to watch them grow up. It's great that you've got the spawn/growout tanks already (I spawned in my Eclipse 6g! ;) ), remember to figure out live food, make sure you hatch a few practice batches of BBS BEFORE the fry are free-swimming (soemthing always seems to go wrong w/BBS :rolleyes: ) - That way you will have a good feeling of exactly how the best way to hatch and harvest will be (Wish I had done this :rolleyes: ).

Considering you have all the tanks (except something to jar them in later) and I believe you have breeding quality bettas, the whole thing shouldn't be too, too expensive - but it is really time consuming. Even if the work doesn't take that long, the amount of time you'll spend looking at the little guys adds up fast! :lol:
cation said:
GP, I think that's a great idea. You have spent the time to get quality bettas, and I know you will take the time to educate yourself fully about it and do it properly. It is so neat to watch them grow up. It's great that you've got the spawn/growout tanks already (I spawned in my Eclipse 6g! ;) ), remember to figure out live food, make sure you hatch a few practice batches of BBS BEFORE the fry are free-swimming (soemthing always seems to go wrong w/BBS :rolleyes: ) - That way you will have a good feeling of exactly how the best way to hatch and harvest will be (Wish I had done this :rolleyes: ).

Considering you have all the tanks (except something to jar them in later) and I believe you have breeding quality bettas, the whole thing shouldn't be too, too expensive - but it is really time consuming. Even if the work doesn't take that long, the amount of time you'll spend looking at the little guys adds up fast! :lol:
:p I'm decided. :p

I have stuff to jar them in. The house I'm moving in to, the guy that used to live there was obsessed with collecting things (packrat). He has basically around 1000 plastic shoe box containers. :hey:

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