So Far In My Tank I Have...


New Member
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Moray, Scotland
Hi Guys,

I've had my ten gallon (61cmx31cm31cm ish) since June, I have.. and don't shoot me!

2x clown loach (1 maybe 2 inch they swim around alot)
2x pepperd corys (I think ones a Female the other possibly male defo smaller)
3x male snake skin guppy

I now know that clown loach grow very big and require huge aquriums,I didnt know what they were at the time and got told I had plenty room!
Either way they are very cute and my options in the next yr will be new tank or back to the LFS :angry:

Anyhoo could I get a few tetras? or another peppered cory? (I love corys too) or would it just be far to over stocked?

Thanks for your advice
um, im not sure, but im my oppinion you could fit a few tetras in there easily.. i dont know much about corys tho. as for the clowns, yea mistakes happen.. they grow fast tho, and will get stunted quickly if you wait for them to get big, so id say make a decision and fix that problem very soon, before the tetras to be sure of tank space.

hope that helped a bit

Thanks murphy,

yeah I dont wana give up the little guys but I will have to make my decision soon and think it will be back to the LFS:(
yea i wass pretty dissappointed when i seen them and realised i couldnt get them.. there amazing but a lotta money to get a tank to fit them so cant say i blame u for that decision

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