So Cool!

Loony Fish

May 12, 2008
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hi all,
i was looking really closely at my black skirt tetras and noticed something!
look really closely at a black skirt (mouth, nose, body, eyes, gills, teeth, etc.)
and the do the same with a piranha!
the lack skirts look identical to small piranhas (-the color)
isn't that cool?! :hyper: has anyone else noticed that :D
they are related so it would make sense that they resemble one another :)
i know they are related but they have so much more resemblance that any other tetra!
i know they are related but they have so much more resemblance that any other tetra!

That is cool - maybe you could use them in home movies, start a whole cult thing, like that one about the campers and the ghost-witch, get rich and get more tanks???!!!
lol, attack of the killer skirt tetra :)
You could show a picture of the people's fish tank and have the jaws theme running in the background. Then you see a hand removing the covers and slowly a couple of naked fingers slipping into the water near the edge of the tank. The fingers slide further into the water and start moving about like little legs. The music gets faster and then, BANG, out of nowhere and black skirt tetras zips up and bites the hand that feeds it. The fingers could kick and struggle and wiggle about. But this just attracts more of them and then the tomatoe sauce goes in the tank and the water goes red and still.
lol, attack of the killer skirt tetra :)
You could show a picture of the people's fish tank and have the jaws theme running in the background. Then you see a hand removing the covers and slowly a couple of naked fingers slipping into the water near the edge of the tank. The fingers slide further into the water and start moving about like little legs. The music gets faster and then, BANG, out of nowhere and black skirt tetras zips up and bites the hand that feeds it. The fingers could kick and struggle and wiggle about. But this just attracts more of them and then the tomatoe sauce goes in the tank and the water goes red and still.

Perfect, Colin! Classic!
And profits can be boosted with the sale of trade-marked, water-proof gauntlets bearing such phrases as 'You may never feel safe doing water changes again', 'Wouldn't YOU give your right arm for a tank full of these?' and, for the older crowd, 'Mikey never eats anyone. He likes you!'

If Loony Fish needs any extras, I have some vicious Gold tetras, but they may need to be tranked first and muzzled.

Hey, if I get a cut for creative input, may I have my share in Bettas, please? :unsure: The Tetra tank's next in line to be done... :X
haha how bout my small jewels. i have one who has made it a hobby of swimming up and literally pulling my arm hairs out and when he finds one he likes, he swims off with it in him mouth. cheeky lil bugger he is lol. hurts when he's in a nippy mood and im trying to do something in the tank!.
haha how bout my small jewels. i have one who has made it a hobby of swimming up and literally pulling my arm hairs out and when he finds one he likes, he swims off with it in him mouth. cheeky lil bugger he is lol. hurts when he's in a nippy mood and im trying to do something in the tank!.

I'll bet he's got some really cool names you probably can't print here...
Thats why I got them, cause they look like a tiger barb crossed with a piranha. :)
They're certainly very pretty fish. Very striking when they mature and darken.

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