Snowflake Eels


New Member
Sep 30, 2003
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Los Angeles, California
My bf and I are up to 6 eels between us and a few months ago we had gotten a free baby snowflake eel (skinnier than my pinky and about 3.5" long). It didn't want to eat small guppies or small ghost shrimp and ended up dying from a fungus growth (we didn't catch it in time) 2 weeks later. Does anyone know what to feed these youngens? I'm interested in getting more but if they're just not going to eat.. I'll stick with the big fat adult ones :p
Ive never kept FW morrays but i have always found that Glass worm/white mosquito larvea to be the best food for getting fish that are reluctant to feed feeding.
I have one, and I had the same problem. After reading on here I found that they may go a while without eating if they are not comfortable and have lots of hiding places. After I rearranged my tank he did much better. When he wouldn't eat I finally had success with frozen krill. I had a feeder spear (a long plastic stick) and I just dangled it in front of him for a little while because the krill float. After that he ate ghost shrimp, but so far his favorite is krill off of the feeder spear.


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