Snowflake Eel Info??

Organized Chaos

Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
Syracuse, NY
I have a snowflake eel and haven't been able to get much info on him. I am pretty sure it is a gymnothorax tile ( maybe polyuranodon).

Some questions:
Last night he looked very sluggish and his head was flopped over. He looked very stressed. Since then I added some salt to the tank to make it slightly brackish and he seemed to liven up a little. Is this normal? What should I do?

Also what do they eat? I added 12 feeded guppies the first week and the next mroning there were only 4 left. I have heard feeder guppies are not the best food? Why?
How about blood worms? any other options?

Does anyone else have any other info about them? Anything would be helpful.

I answered this question (indirectly) in another section - I suspect your tank is not cycled and you've got ammonia and nitrite upsetting your eel. Come back to us with any questions once you've read my article.

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