I had been lookin on aquabid for a good few weeks looking at the platium females, and admiring their appearences, and lookin for a seller that would ship to the UK, but cudnt find one, i posted on here, and Bettaman came up trumps with a LOVERLY! platium female, who he could send me as he also lives in the UK, and at a great price!
He also had a loverly girlie who is also pearlesent in appearence, but is pink tailed, rather than completely white. I havent found a name for her yet, im after a name that either means Pink in another language, or sumthing that is pink related (yeh i know, im a nitemare with names, lol)
So here she is, Snow Queen, as named by Bettamans 2 yr old daughter!
And here is the other lushous girlie i have brought,