Snow Flake Eel With Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2008
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I really want a snow flake mooray for my 55 gallon. I have a farily large cleaner shrimp in there whose about 3 inches long. The eel im looking at is about a foot. What do you guys think? Anyone have a mooray in their reef tank?
You can definitely keep a snowflake moray in that tank. Prepare for the shrimp to be an expensive dinner though...
I am not keeping my morays in my reef tank at the moment... they are in the sump. However, I am planning on putting them back in the main tank. In my opinion, they (the smaller/more docile/crustacean eating) make excellent reef tank inhabitants as they do not eat corals and if well fed usually don't bother fish and motile invertebrates. They can certainly be kept with snails, hermits, starfish, and the like.

Fish eating morays can certainly be kept with cleaner shrimp even though most do eat non-cleaner shrimp. Snowflake morays are crustacean eaters, and I personally cannot recall any accounts of them being kept with cleaner shrimp. I would imagine it would work, though, and do seem to recall the similar (though much larger) zebra moray being trustworthy.

I would suggest a careful monitoring at first, though... and the moray should be kept stuffed.
I currently have a GTile and Snowflake Eel, and have had them for years. I've learned that these animals will try to eat anything small enough to fir into their mouth, especially the shrimp. I've heard numerous accounts of shrimp living alongside Snowflakes, but my ordeal did not work out years ago when I tried this.

It may work in your case though.
I kept my three G. tile with a group of peppermint shrimp more than a year ago. The shrimp mysteriously vanished a while after I dropped the moray's feeding to once per week. Granted they were also living with a small lagoon trigger, and they lived fine with the morays for more than six months. This is why I stress keeping the morays stuffed, as they tend to be lazy during this time and leave most other animals alone. There are exceptions, as outlined above.
yeah, dont want to risk an expensive snack. I guess i'll move the cleaner to another tank or something. Thanks

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