Snales... Grr

Fish Buddy

Fish Addict
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
After introducing live plants to my 20 g tank I have been having a snale proplem. Are there fish that eat snales for food?
My african cichlids have been trying to eat mine. I only have about 3 small snails and they try to nibble on them when they're on the glass. So far the snails have gotten lucky...
Most all loaches eat snails, if you have room a couple clown loaches would be great, but they do get big...
How big do clown loaches get? I currently have 10 angles a gourami and 6 algea eaters in the tank. Would there be room?
They get 7-8 inches in a tank, but with the fish you have there wouldnt be room for them, maybe a botia? Anyone else?
Puffers love snails, but you have to be careful what you put with the puffers.
You can't put puffers in with what you currently have, all your fish would be ripped to shreds, but if other fish wern't a factor then puffers would work well.
Most of my angles are about an inch or two long- no problems yet. Anyway I plan on selling all that's in that tank-just hate snales very much (I think they are competing with the algea eaters)
dwarf puffer for three days and they would all be gone then get it back in about a month to finish off the hatchlings.

our juvenile bettas in the grow out tank love to snack on baby snails ;)
They sell green spotted puffers at my lfs. Would the puffers harm the plants? (I won't add the pufers until the other fish are gone)
Two clown loaches will take care of any snail problem. Clown loach will be good for a year in your tank, bofore it will outgrow it. However, with the angels tank is already stocked up to limits, they need clean water and low nitrAtes, which mean planted tanks are the best for them.

Give back some of your fish and get 2 clowns, snail problem would be gone in a week. They also are good bottom eaters, will clean tank nicely. They need a hide out cave, otherwise you will not see much of them.

Do not use copper based meds for snails. I did. I will never do that again. Stripping the tank down and starting over was the only way to get my plants grow again.

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