Snakeskin Gourami


New Member
Feb 7, 2008
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I ordered a snakeskin gourami from my aquarium store and they keep telling me that it will be in the next shipment, but it is not. I finally asked why it was taking so long and they said that it had to be wild caught, is this true for all snakeskin gouramis? Are there any benefits/drawback to wild caught fish?
Snakeskin gouramis are bred in Asia just like every other gourami. They don't get wild caught ones any more. They also don't turn up on wholesale lists very often which is a shame because they are a lovely fish. Most of the snakeskins bred in Asia end up at the markets as food. They grow bigger than most of the other gouramis and as such are offered for human consumption rather than aquarium specimens. That being said heaps of them still get shipped all over the world to fish wholesalers.
It also depends on which country you live in. For example you aren't allowed to import snakeskins into Australia. This means the only ones available here will be local bred or smuggled in.
As for the second part of your question, there are both benefits and drawbacks and it all depends on your perspective. Firstly, practically-speaking, wild-caught fish are less able to adapt to new conditions and tend to be older. They are also less likely to be able to cope with common aquarium diseases which cultivated strains have become quite resistant to. On the other hand, kept in the right conditions, wild-caught fish tend to be more brightly colored and even hardier because they are less inbred. This can also make them easier to breed - though this can go both ways as many wild-caught fish are difficult to breed if you do not match conditions accurately enough.
Another way of looking at the pros/cons is from the point of view of preserving wild populations and protecting species. This isn't really an issue with many freshwater species kept by aquarists but removing wild fish from their environment can deplete wild populations, making their gene pools narrower. This is a problem both because of the knock-on effect it might have on other species in the same ecosystem or simply because the particular species, if it is not regularly bred in captivity, might die out. Equally, it can protect them as some species are actually more numerus in captivity where they are bred regularly than in the wild where they are almost entirely extinct due to habitat destruction.
Honestly though, it is very unlikely that the snakeskins are wild-caught. No idea why your fish shop would claim this. Where do you live? My new LFS has snakeskins in all the time but I live in the UK.
I live in southern california, and I have never seen one in any store. I saw one at a friensd house and she said that she had to have them special ordered as well.
just purchased 2 snakeskin this morning from local pet shop (Gateshead UK) about 9cm long very nice fish.
I've only seen snakeskins at a couple stores here in canada. But i dont think they sold very well.
They are look kind of dull (not as much colour) when compared to the other gouramis, so usually only more experienced aquarists want them, and so they dont sell as well and thats why i think alot of LFS dont usually order them. I would think that if you special ordered them they should come though.
There everywhere here in nearly every lfs i go in they have them. :nod:
I have 4 and they are great to watch hopefully breed them once i found out what the differences between the males and females are. :S

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