Actually....there are states in which it is legal to keep snakeheads. The Federal government banned the importation of live snakeheads and their eggs across state lines or into the United States. In states where they are still legal you can have as many snakeheads as you want but you can't transport them out of the state. New York is one of the states where ALL species of the snakeheads (Channidae) are illegal. Here is the list of restricted/prohibited fish for New York:
NEW YORK -- The following species are illegal to buy, sell, transport, or possess w/o a permit (issued for limited educational or scientific purposes):
(i) Silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix)
(ii) Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)
(iii) Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)
(iv) Snakehead fish of the genera Channa and Parachanna (or the generic synonyms of Bostrychoides, Opicephalus, Ophiocephalus, and Parophiocephalus) of the Family Channidae, including but not limited to:
(a) Channa amphibius (Chel or Borna snakehead)
(b ) Channa argus (Northern or Amur snakehead)
(c ) Channa asiatica (Chinese or Northern Green snakehead)
(d) Channa aurantimaculata
(e) Channa bankanensis (Bangka snakehead)
(f) Channa baramensis (Baram snakehead)
(g) Channa barca (barca or tiger snakehead)
(h) Channa bleheri (rainbow or jewel snakehead)
(i) Channa cyanospilos (bluespotted snakehead)
(j) Channa gachua (dwarf, gaucha, or frog snakehead)
(k) Channa harcourtbutleri (Inle snakehead)
(l) Channa lucius (shiny or splendid snakehead)
(m) Channa maculata (blotched snakehead)
(n) Channa marulius (bullseye, murrel, Indian, great, or cobra snakehead)
(o) Channa maruloides (emperor snakehead)
(p) Channa melanoptera
(q) Channa melasoma (black snakehead)
(r ) Channa micropeltes (giant, red or redline snakehead)
(s) Channa nox
(t) Channa orientalis (Ceylon of Ceylonese Green snakehead)
(u) Channa panaw
(v) Channa pleurophthalmus (ocellated, spotted, or eyespot snakehead)
(w) Channa punctata (dotted or spotted snakehead)
(x) Channa stewartii (golden snakehead)
(y) Channa striata (chevron or striped snakehead)
(z) Parachanna africana (Niger or African snakehead)
(aa) Parachanna insignis (Congo, square-spotted African, or light African snakehead)
(bb) Parachanna obscura (dark African, dusky or square-spotted snakehead)
Source: 6 NYCRR Part 180 (New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation Rules and Regulations).