I don't even want to think about how the ones I buy frozen are killed cause I can almost guarantee that is inhumane. So maybe it is better to breed them yourself.
Hiya Shrimply, nice little site there
Good work
I just wanted to add some information about feeding snakes in the UK to clarify it a little for you
Livefeeding is not strictly illegal (yet) in the UK, however it is taken as a general rule that while there is not yet direct legislation against it, you can be prosecuted for the act on the ground of cruelty to the rodent or other vertebrate used and also for neglect towards your own pet animal
The ongoing revision of the Animal Welfare Bill looks like it will clear up this one and introduce direct legislation that prevents anyone from doing so legally unless they have the express written permission of a qualified reptilian veterinarian and that the snake will die if no action is taken.
The farms which produce our frozen mice, rats, hamsters and gerbils are extremely well monitored and legal restrictions regarding practices in them are heavily enforced.
The most humane way of euthanising rodents for the purpose of feeding to snakes (or otherwise for that matter) is using C02 gas actually.
C02 is heavier than mixed air and sinks to the bottom of large deep tubs that are used and the animals are simply introduced to the tubs once the C02 level in them has reached the set level required. The rodents simply go to sleep and asphyxiate.
I know you didnt actually want to know about these things, but I felt it was important to educate you on it so you would not wrongly feel guilt or feel that the rodents you buy are probably mistreated when they are certainly not