A Animation Fish Addict Joined Dec 23, 2005 Messages 881 Reaction score 0 Location Kent Jan 13, 2006 #1 Hey what is the smallets snakehead avalible and how big will the tank need to be?
CFC Leader of the Fishes Joined Feb 8, 2003 Messages 11,553 Reaction score 4 Location London Jan 13, 2006 #2 Channa bleheri is the smallest available species and a single one could be kept in a 20g tank.
pica_nuttalli don't be a twit Joined Feb 6, 2005 Messages 3,920 Reaction score 1 Location Berkeley, CA, USA Jan 13, 2006 #3 how's about some good potential tankmates for that 20g?
CFC Leader of the Fishes Joined Feb 8, 2003 Messages 11,553 Reaction score 4 Location London Jan 13, 2006 #4 rocks, plants, bogwood, all the usuall inanimate objects that cant be killed would work.
pica_nuttalli don't be a twit Joined Feb 6, 2005 Messages 3,920 Reaction score 1 Location Berkeley, CA, USA Jan 13, 2006 #5 tha's what i thought.
OP OP A Animation Fish Addict Joined Dec 23, 2005 Messages 881 Reaction score 0 Location Kent Jan 13, 2006 #6 Awesome!, Might have to by myself a new tank and get one- Thanks, Are they hard to keep? How big do they grow and what is the price-range for them?
Awesome!, Might have to by myself a new tank and get one- Thanks, Are they hard to keep? How big do they grow and what is the price-range for them?