snails !!!!

Well firstly if your snail population is growing out of control very rapidly, it can be a sign that you are overfeeding your fish and too much waste food is being left on the tank bottom for too long.
One way to tell if you are overfeeding is that if you have uneaten food on the bottom of your tank after 30mins; do you gravel vac your tank or have gravel in it?
I've never had a snail problem since i changed to sand last year because they can't move across it well to eat and end up starving, but if your snail population isn't too dire you can just take them out and crush them to kill them and then throw them away; also removing any snail eggs you find stuck onto plant leaves/tank glass/rocks/ornements will also help as if there's no eggs to hatch out eventually your snails will die out.
Other methods include leaving a peice of cucumber out overnight and then taking it out in the morning with snails attached as snails love cucumber etc.
its not a big problem, i just wanted to know what other people do, i have been taking them out when i see them

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