
spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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hi i want to start breeding snails for my fish so they will have some variety in their food. i have a spare 5 1/2 gal i could use. what water conditions would i have to have to make snails breed and what types of food would i use? is there any special care i should provide for the eggs?

i want to know this because i want to get some dwarf puffers or a figure 8 puffer
Just put a bunch of snails in a tank and you will end up with more snails than you know what to do with.
lol, agree with above. I have 15 gallon snail tank and I just threw in all my spare gravel, sticks, logs, rocks, and decorations I could find. For the first month or so there was just an air pump for O2, but I recently added a small internal filter with no media in it, for circulation. I went to a local petsmart and asked for some snails, they just gave me a net and bucket and said go at it! As far as food goes, I rubberband lettuce to rocks and drop it in there, I put algae wafers in, I put the algae that I pull out of my tank in; they'll eat anything gross and rotting. Do this and within a week or two youll see little clear drops of jelly (with black spots inside) on all surfaces in the aquarium... then just wait for them to hatch.

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