If I could get some snail info I would really appreciate it.
I have a planted tank and some regular little brown snails snuck in on the plants.
I have been picking them out since last May.
I pick them out everytime I see them and put them in a cup and put them in my outdoor (mud bottom) pond.
I can't get rid of them. I think they're gone and they're back.
I treated my tank heavily with chemicals about a month ago for what I thought was ich.
I had a blue Mystery snail that I really liked. He was small when I bought him and got really big.
Unfortunately he got flipped out of the tank one day when I was cleaning and set the top on part way to use the light.
I bought another one - twice and they died...possibly from residual chemicals?
I bought a black Mystery and it didn't move for three days.
Thinking it wasn't going to make it I changed out half of the water and bought a blue and left the black in the tank..just in case.
Well they are both doing well and I want to keep them both.
Two questions
how do I get rid of the brown plant snails.
is there any way to keep my black mystery and my blue mystery from making more snails?
Do they come male/female how do you tell?
If you can help with any of this,
If I could get some snail info I would really appreciate it.
I have a planted tank and some regular little brown snails snuck in on the plants.
I have been picking them out since last May.
I pick them out everytime I see them and put them in a cup and put them in my outdoor (mud bottom) pond.
I can't get rid of them. I think they're gone and they're back.
I treated my tank heavily with chemicals about a month ago for what I thought was ich.
I had a blue Mystery snail that I really liked. He was small when I bought him and got really big.
Unfortunately he got flipped out of the tank one day when I was cleaning and set the top on part way to use the light.
I bought another one - twice and they died...possibly from residual chemicals?
I bought a black Mystery and it didn't move for three days.
Thinking it wasn't going to make it I changed out half of the water and bought a blue and left the black in the tank..just in case.
Well they are both doing well and I want to keep them both.
Two questions
how do I get rid of the brown plant snails.
is there any way to keep my black mystery and my blue mystery from making more snails?
Do they come male/female how do you tell?
If you can help with any of this,