

New Member
Feb 8, 2004
Reaction score
Warrington, UK
I seem to have aquired a snail, probably when i bought the plants. Will he cause any problems in the tank? :dunno:
I found 2 snails a week or so after buying some plants. They gave me no trouble, and never will again, they must of made a good lunch for one of my fish :rolleyes:
Hi kingzac :)

A few little snails will not hurt your tank. It is only if they start multiplying beyond your control that they become a problem. If your tank is clean, you could go for years with no population explosion.

However, if they do increase in number, you can crush them against the glass and your gourami will eat them. :D

If you only have one snail, don't even worry about it! :rolleyes:
I find that snails are helpful in keeping down algi on the side of the tank but they can quikely breed turning one snail into one hundred and sixty snails withch is a problem (the plants get eaten)
So I sugest keep the snail but watch that you dont get more than two og three

ps the snail egs are about 2cm long and clear to start with after a few weeks you will be able to se small dots in the egg
On the flip side, a rapid increase in your snail population also generally serves as a good sign that you've been overfeeding your fish.
it wont cause any problems, but keep and eye out for snails eggs.
they can breed by themselves and they can over run your tank if your not careful!!

i hate snails
Usually if there is one visible there are a dozen that aren't. Whether it is harmful is a matter of opinion, and species. In a planted tank certain types of pond snails, generally round and dark coloured will cause mayhem. Another very common thing you'll get are Malaysian Trumpet Snails, these are longer and pointed, like an ice cream cone. These tend to bury in the substrate and can be helpful keeping it open, they don't damage plants as a rule.

There are loads of types really. I hate them all!

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