
clinton ><>

Fish Crazy
Jun 21, 2007
Reaction score
south shields in uk
is there any kind o snail thats smallish and is easy to breed to feed to fully grown dwarf puffers ??? ive got a 60 litre im thinking of breeding snails in i as ive got loads of space and alot of dwarf puffers
what about the common ones that are always on the live plants at pet stores? im sure they are easy to breed since they are EVERYWHERE
Great ramshorns do work well. Be aware that the do need coldwater and wont do great in tropical waters. As they are hermaphrodites, you only need two to breed, but more will result in more babies.
trumpet snails are the little buggers that get in on plants and breed in hundreds in the right conditions , if you could find someone with them they would proberly be glad to let you take some from their tank as you would be doing them a favor getting rid of them. Your welcome to mine if you want and if your willing to get to felixstowe
trumpet snails are the little buggers that get in on plants and breed in hundreds in the right conditions , if you could find someone with them they would proberly be glad to let you take some from their tank as you would be doing them a favor getting rid of them. Your welcome to mine if you want and if your willing to get to felixstowe

What is the problem with them?
I've never had a trumpet snail that touched a plant of mine..

They are no good for puffers as their shells are too hard to bite through (I THINK THAT'S WHY)

Ramshorns are definitely the way to go.
Yep, Ramshorns are best.
MTS are ok fed to bigger puffers, but they may break the beak of smaller puffers like dwarfs or SAPs.

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