

Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2003
Reaction score
Chicago IL
Are snails Good, Bad, or indefferent to a tank? I know they eat plants but do they do anything else? Any Chems changes like nitrates, nirtites, or amonia? Any info would be helpful. I know zero about these things & got one in my tank this morning. I know I'll soon have more. Thanks
snails breed prolifically. and they poop a lot. must be from eating everything BUT algae -sighs- common pond snails are a nuisance unles you handpick them every week or so to keep the population in control. Mystery or Apple snails are beautiful and big, very much the opposite of pond snails. they're like Bettas; you can just kind of *tell* when they're happy or not.
I found a couple of snails in my small tank and realise now that they came from the new plants I had bought. If you don't want them how do you dispose of them?
billy said:
I found a couple of snails in my small tank and realise now that they came from the new plants I had bought. If you don't want them how do you dispose of them?
Depending on your tank size, I would get clown Loaches, but remeber that clowns like company so get them lots friends. Or you cpuld just pick the sanils out by themselves. They will come back.
There is a snail that is good for the tank and dosent harm plants!!!!! It is the malaysian trumpet snail and is easiy recognisable by its icecream cone shaped shell. These little snails help by turning over the substrate as they burrow through it and eat any left over fish food that makes its way to the bottom, every tank should have them. :nod:
yup will have soon - said whilst grinning at CFC :p

All I need now is a snail that will feed on other snails >)
Lithril said:
yup will have soon - said whilst grinning at CFC :p

All I need now is a snail that will feed on other snails >)
Dont worry i havent forgoten :lol: Ill get them off to you on monday :nod:

As for a snail eating snail i cant help but i can tell you that banjo catfish make excellent snail exterminaters and dont need tankmates or large tanks, all they require is a sand substrate and a tank with no bigger fish that will dig them up continually.
Unfortuanately the tank with the problem is my first tank and has a gravel substrate (I really dislike gravel, can't see anything on it). I think I know someone who is giving away a 2' tank soon so I'm going to talk really nicely to them and see if I can aquire it, I can then move some of the fish in my 10 gal to the new tank and get a lean, mean snail eating machine in there :p

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