

I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
My mom has been wanting to add something to my 40 gal tank, and i have spent the past three weeks talking her out of getting a pleco. She now has decided she wants to put a snail in my tank. She thinks she can turn my tank into a snail breeding ground like she did with her betta tank. I think my clown laoches would like a snack and to have some fun hunting.

The only question I have about this is there any way a snail can bring a disease into my tank?
I'm guessing you don't want a snail in your tank or you'd already have one - so yeah, snails can give you bubonic and pneumonic plague, and leprosy, and they have been known to cause global warming. Mom, keep your snails out of this tank, it's a really bad idea.

Oh, but if you actually wanted a's probably a good idea to quarantine everything that goes in your tank, just in case, but I have always just stuck snails straight in. Someone else, I'm sure, has a better answer.
:rofl: I don't particularly care for snails, however, i know my clown loaches will love to hunt them down and eat them. So she puts it in as a "pet" but i fully expect it to be eaten and I have no problem with giving them a treat. I've even considered gettign some to toss in for their hunting pleasure.

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