
Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2005
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well i am breeding snails and have been for a month or so, they are to feed my dwarf puffers, i have 5 large snails in a little cooler, with some lettuce, no heater, no filter, no gravel..... just plain de-chlorinated water and sunlight....

i have not been able to tell eggs from poop, as i imagine they look the same, i have heard that the eggs will stick to the side in a white sack, but i need a visual and a picture of the difference..... as they require weekly water changes, how does this work withought getting the eggs dumped out???? please help and provide some info... thanks!

You won't be able to confuse the eggs with the poop.
The poop is dark coloured and loose, whereas the eggs are small pale dots in a clear jelly firmly glued to the sides of the container.

Here's a tip, snails prefer to lay their eggs on dark colours so prop a piece of dark slate or plastic in the container and they'll lay more readily.
hmmmm wow didnt know that, ok well thanks for the tip it is apreciated!!

do you breed snails for your mbu? if that is what you have anyways..... which it is.... i think :S

anyway you should if you dont, why dont you just get a big tank with massive snail population in it? unless considering you already do, or you dont, im not saying i know what im talking about, becuase i know you know what your doing.....

just curiouse because i saw the flix of your MBU (if that is what it is) eating huge snails.... and i think you mentioned you dont breeed them

but anyhoo thanks for the tips.. and help!
Look at the top of th invert forum for 'Snail Species'. You will find a pic of the underwater 'gel' egg sacks. They are very small and you will have to look carefully unless they are on a dark spot of the tank. As for the above water egg clutches, here is a pic. What type of snails do you have?



P.S. The egg clutches can be many colors, the pic is just an idea of the shape and look.
rarefish, i believe he is talking about pest snails. they lay in the water, as the clutch u showed a pic of is an applesnail clutch, layed above the water line :)
That's why I put look at the top of this forum :). Some people feed their fish mystery snails, so I thought I would just post both incase.


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