Snails or not


New Member
Mar 20, 2004
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Manchester, UK
Hi I'm new to fish keeping. I have an outbreak of snails, I've got about 30 small snails. What should I do? people say they eat the algi, but my water still has a slight green tint to it.

I pulled about 10 out a few weeks ago.

When were were cycling our 240-gallon, some baby snails hitchhiked to the tank from some gravel we put in there from an established tank and they survived the cycling process. I wondered if they would make it since there was nothing to eat but maybe they had some food from the established gravel. So far we haven't had an over abundance of baby snails in any of our tanks yet. We have kept the few that we have though.
what size is your tank? If you want clown loaches you need to have at least 3 of them as they need to have friends!!
It's about 65 litres which I think is about 15 gallons.
I have.
3 Gourami
1 tiger barb
2 platties
1 mollie
1 female fighter
no, don't put any clowns in there - they'll overcrowd and need a larger tank soon. there are a million (it seems) posts on snails.

The extra waste from many small snails can be bad for the tank, so I'd say take them out as you see them if you want to keep a few. If not, then put some lettuce at the bottom and remove them when they gather to eat.
you could keep a dwarf puffer for a month if you had a friend to give it too. Pond snails often come in on plants and plants are there food in the wild so they will be fine. You could maby borrow a clown loach and keep it by its self for a week.


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