Snails Losing Their Stickiness

Lee Barnes

New Member
Feb 2, 2006
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Sunny South Florida, USA (Hurricane Country!)
I'm having a bit of a problem with my snails - they're losing their stickiness on my glass. It seems as they get up towards the top of my tank, they just lose their grip, and tumble down. Which is fine if I'm right there to flip them over and set them on their way, but lately when I come home from work, there's one being eaten for dinner by my hermits and the other fish. I've lost three in the last month this way.

Any one else ever had this delimma? Thanks!
Doesn't sound like normal snail behavior. Most marine snails I've seen can put a solid grip down on any surface. Like musho asked, what species are these and also is the glass clean on the inside surface?

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