Snails Infestation


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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couple of months ago I stripped a tank bare...found another tank re set it with new gravel filter only old thing was a heater and the old butterfly fish who lives in tank...I am infested with snails again! cant believe it reason I got rid of first tank....what can I do is there anything that will eat them and live with my big catfish?

I had the same problem recently in my tank with snails everywhere, heres a Link which has some different ways on how to get rid of them. As for something that will eat them, i know that clown loaches do, which is great if you have a big enough tank to keep them in. I've seem to got rid of all the ones in my tank by placing a piece of lettuce in the tank wait an hour or so and they were all on the leaf so i took it out a threw it away.

Hope this helps a little,

i just collect then and feed them to my loaches :)

If you over feed you will get an explosion of snails, if your not over feeding they should never be a problem.
I'm gonna tell you what I tell everyone else. This could be a good thing. What you can do is set up a small tank and get some Dwarf Puffers. Then you can pick out all of the snails and feed them to the Dwarf Puffers. This way the snails will keep your current tank clean without being a bother and you'll have a constant food for the Puffers. Just something to think about. If not, what I would do is just pick them out as you see them and try to only feed as much as your fish will eat so the snails population doesnt take over.
Thanks for replies......Going to try the lettuce....used to keep puffers (still got snails in my water butt in garden)...will think further tomorrow thanks
Lettuce didnt work...never knew catfish eat lettuce! going to go and remove as many as I can by hand dont want to put treatment in water as it upsets balance.....would salt kill them?
i found that clown loaches do a terrific job, so does my oscar, bolivian ram and convicts

my bolivian took out a snail population within a week and not my baby convicts are doing a great job after 3 weeks!

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