Snails In Community Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
Hull (Yorkshire)

Hi Guys...

I hoped you could give me a little advice...

I have two apple and two zebra snails....i just wondered if i would be able to move them into my main community tank...

currently i have;

mix of tetras
pair of honey gouramis
one molly
one flying fox
one BN plec
mix of cories
6 kuli loaches

is there anything in there that wouldn't get on with or would eat the snails??

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
The loaches are almost certain to attack the snails, I am sorry to say. I bought 2 Yoyo loaches to eat the little snails and they attacked my Golden Apple Snail. They did stop after a while and the snail was not damaged as it hid in it's shell. I was going to move my Apple Snail if they didn't stop. The Yoyos died, one went into the filter and the other one choked on either a piece of gravel or a small snail. I am sorry they died but I definitely won't have any more loaches as I like Apple Snails. :)
I very much doubt kuli loaches will, they are not like yoyo loaches, I really wouldn't worry about it.
Are there other loaches that are safe with snails? I thought they all ate them. My Yoyos were definitely very keen to attack the Apple Snail. I had decided to not have loaches again as I want to get another snail to be company for the one I have. :) Are Kulis more peaceful?
Khulis are 100% safe for snails. The same goes for dojo loaches, which I have kept in with all sorts of breeding snails and had no problems, although dojos are pretty bombastic when digging in the substrate. Khulis don't have that issue because they're smaller.
A very interesting topic, as I have had similar questions.
I have a few broods of cory fry due to be shipped of to the LPS any minute now and I've been thinking if they give me store credit instead of actual money I'l be very tempted to fill the void with creatures, and about the top 2 species on my list at the moment are coolie loaches and hatchet fish. Most of my "mystery" snails live in the big comunity also, so I do need to check on some compatibility issues. i thought I had been told that coolies would help control the pond snail overpopulation, which I want, but I also have apple (mystery) snails posting eggs on the ceiling. I doubt the loaches would know the difference. I used a breeding box when Momma snelly lived with goldfish and they ate the babies. would I need to do that for my comunity too. the ones that hatched a few months ago are doing well, but I did move about half of them in with baby cories for a while because they grew faster that way. Now they are almost as big as my LPS wants them, but the variation in size is amazzing considering they all hatched at the same time. If I just sell the big ones, am I likely to be loosing mostly 1 gender or all the healthy ones or something? Oops probably getting off topic.
umm, so if i do put coolies in my comunity, do I need to move baby apple snails?, if so up to what size? maybe they'l go back to the guppy breeding tanks again.

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