snails for puffers


Oct 29, 2003
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sydney australia
if i was to keep a small tank specifically for snails (to feed puffers) what would i need to think about? do they need heat? are they chlorine tolerant? what do they need to eat? how often should i change their water? do they actually need a filter?

and i've heard that they are susceptible to disease, how do i avoid this?

Everything is susceptable to disease. it would be wise at least buy a small filter for the tank (even one of the cheapo wal-mart ones) to feed them, drop in almost anything, but ussualy they like cucumbers and lettuce (you have to by a clip to tlip the lettuce to the glass. I don't think they need heat, but I may be wrong, and I'm guessing heat will most likely encourage them to breed, so if you want alot of snails, Id say go for heat. finnaly, make sure you are not useing trumpet snals, those snails are hard enough to break puffers teeth. :)
Yeah, I was also wondering about breeding snails. I thought about just buying a cheap regular fish bowl and putting some snails in that. Does anyone know if that'd be ok as long as I changed the water once in a while?
They don't do well with out heat. Atleast the wild snails that i got with some plants. If you drop them in a 5 gallon with a single plant in it and have some cucumber in it. They will breed as long as you have apair. Takes like a week til you have tiny snails moving all over.
I have tried to get a snail outbreak going in all my tanks for quite some time now, with little success until I added 6 pond snails to our 2.5 gal fry tank. The fry are all gone now but I keep the tank set up for the snails and they are thriving. I add a Spirilum disk or piece of cucumber once a week and I harvest about a dozen snails a week so far, as they get more abundant I'm hoping to be able to harvest about 3 dozen a week.

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