Fish Crazy
I just got 2 GSP. Was curious as to what type of snails to feed puffers. I know not to feed trumpet snails, but was curious if there was any chear or logical snail to feed puffer fish. Also, is feeding them baby guppy fish alright. That is what mine seem to be fed at the LFS. Also, how much salt do you add to get a correct brakish water regiment. The LFS sold me Aquarium Salt and said that is what I should use for salt. Is this right? Right now I have them in a 10 gallon tank, but will move them when they need to be moved. These two actually do not bother each other at all and will meet each other, but not nip at all. If they ever began to become aggressive to each other I would put them in a bigger tank immediately. One last question or thought, each one of my puffers has a different kind of spotting on them and I think it is possible they could be different species. At any rate, I read that white belly is good and grey belly could mean stress or something. Well, both of mine seem to be pretty healthy right now. One has basically an all white underside, while the other one only has white under his head basically and then the rest of his underside is dark grayish. Would that mean he is stressed or is that simply just his coloring. Thanks for any and all help everyone.